SDGs / Governance / SCP / Asia-Pacific / Africa / partnerships / business / SDGS
In April the researcher designed and administered a consumer survey in Malaysia and Japan to assess the level of agency or power among consumers in the food system as well as their perceptions and level of knowledge and awareness of Sustainable Consumption and Production issues. In total the over 500 and 400 consumers were surveyed in Malaysia and Japan, respectively. The preliminary results of the survey was presented at the International Studies Association conference in Hong Kong from the 14-18th of June, 2017. In addition to this, the researcher carried out interviews in Malaysia and Thailand in July to further explore the emerging themes from the research related to the responsibilities and interactions of various stakeholders driving SCP in Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific. Finally, in August the researcher carried out interviews with various stakeholders including business, government officials in the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture and local municipalities involved governance of food recycling and reducing food waste in Japan. This was part of the iterative data collection and analysis process of the research. The data collection focused on understating the role of agency among state and non-state actors in Japan with regard to reducing food waste. The focus was also on understanding the responsibilities of business.
【研究期間】2015-10-09 - 2018-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)