ESD / SDGs / Higher Education / Constructionism / Innovation in Education / Social Innovation
The study seeks to engage undergraduate and/or graduate students from universities in Thailand and Japan in a constructionist learning experience that involves designing and building social innovations to address environmental and social problems. Students will be using creative learning technologies to facilitate their maker-centered learning experiences and kick start their innovations. Ultimately, we aim to develop case studies of culturally relevant constructionist ESD learning and processes that show higher education's potential and ESD challenges.
Following are the key achievements since the research started in December 2021: (1) Research proposal and pilot study were presented at Tokyo Institute of Technology, United Nations University (UNU-IAS), and Teachers College, Columbia University. (2) Initial research design is reevaluated and the pilot study results are reiterated. The first round of analysis on the pilot study qualitative data to address key changes in the research design is completed. (3) Institutional Review Boards of Tokyo Institute of Technology approved the research in the contest of research ethics. (4) A conference poster paper is submitted to the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) on Constructionist Design for Sustainable Development. (5) Data collection via the GEG.I411 Education for Sustainable Development through Design and Technology course in the Graduate Major in Global Engineering for Development, Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology is prepared.
【研究期間】2021-11-18 - 2024-03-31
【配分額】1,400千円 (直接経費: 1,400千円)