電気化学発光 / バイポーラ電気化学 / ルミノール / 導電性高分子 / 電解重合 / イメージング / 電位分布 / バイポーラ電極 / ルテニウム錯体
The combination of ECL and bipolar electrochemistry has resulted in a successful strategy to enrich the scientific knowledge of the research fellow regarding bipolar electrochemistry, and bipolar electrochemical systems in general. Indeed, in the research paper published in Analytical Chemistry, we have developed a simple and straightforward analytical tool to map the electrode potential established over a bipolar electrode, by imaging the location where the potential is suitable to trigger the luminescent reaction. Noteworthy, such analytical tool allows the quantification of the potential variation over the bipolar electrode when the geometry of the electrochemical cell or the positioning of the driving electrodes is varied, and also permits to monitor its evolution as a function of the total applied voltage. The strength of the method relies on the simplicity of use, because it can be readily adapted to any type of bipolar electrochemical configuration.
Another innovative approach explored during the collaborative research has been the use of different type of conducting polymer films as bipolar electrodes to generate the ECL emission from luminol and hydrogen peroxide in a wireless manner. The results of this research have been published in Electrochimica Acta journal as a part of the Special Issue of the 71st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) held in 2020.
【研究期間】2019-11-08 - 2022-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)