Water isotopes / GCM / paleoclimate / MIROC / inter-comparison / data assimilation
During the remaining 5 months of the JSPS project, the isotope-enable oceanic simulation with COCO for pre-industrial conditions (more than 3000 model years long) was performed successfully. The results and the future plan for coupled MIROC6 (incorporation of isotopes is still ongoing), namely MIROC6-iso, has been presented in Tougou A meeting in August 2021.
The home-made isotopic inter-comparisons project is moving on well, with analyses still ongoing. The first results will be presented at the “Water Isotope: From Weather to Climate” workshop in November 2021 by Hayoung BONG.
With the help of colleagues at the lab, I began proxy data assimilation on the isotope results from my coupled simulation of the last 2 millennia. Analyses and progress are still ongoing, and the first results will be presented at the “Water Isotope: From Weather to Climate” workshop too, by myself.
【研究期間】2019-10-11 - 2022-03-31
【配分額】2,100千円 (直接経費: 2,100千円)