機械材料 / 構造・機能材料 / 先端機能デバイス / 表面・界面物性 / アクチュエータ / 高分子 / イオン導電性 / ソフトアクチュエータ / パラジウム / ITO / カウンターイオン / モデル化
We built up the way of fabricating ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) actuator with palladium electrodes and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO). The bending response under the various solvents and temperature were evaluated. In the evaluation, we study the influence to bending response by cation forms and mol concentration. As a result the bigger the ionic radius become, the larger bending response IPMC actuator showed, and the higher the ionic concentration become, the larger bending response IPMC actuator showed. The higher the temperature of ionic solvent is, the larger bending response IPMC actuator showed. Moreover, a simple beam model was introduced and compared with the experimental results.
【研究期間】2008 - 2009
【配分額】4,290千円 (直接経費: 3,300千円、間接経費: 990千円)