wastewater treatment / soft sensors / monitoring / control / hybrid modelling / machine learing / partially observable / machine learning / hybrid models
1. Ryuichi Watanabe (PhD student at the University of Kyoto) and I could collect sensor data with unmaintained pH and dissolved oxygen sensors. The setup is a lab-scale wastewater treatment plant fed with artificial wastewater. 2. We are currently analysing the data with machine learning techniques. 3. I generated data with a mechanistic activated sludge model to test algorithms used in robotics. 4. I could give an invited talk at the IWA (international water association) WRRmod (Water Resource Recovery Modelling) conference, Arosa, Switzerland 2021 on hybrid modelling. 5. I wrote and submitted a proposal for a two-year postdoc to the Swiss National Science Foundation and got the funding. 6. With the participants from the WRRmod conference we wrote a review article on hybrid modelling and are currently forming a working group. 7. I wrote another article on sensor-influenced monitoring of on-site wastewater treatment plants. This article is not yet submitted. 8. I participated in seminars, lectures, and sub-group meetings in the department of Mechano-informatics, which allowed me to learn a lot about methods used in robotics and start getting a different thinking. 9. During a field visit with Prof. Harada, I could learn about maintenance and control of Japanese on-site wastewater treatment plants (Johkasou), which allowed me to see how advanced the Japanese management of on-site wastewater treatment plants it. 10. I got the opportunity to study Japanese up to the lower intermediate level.
【研究期間】2020-11-13 - 2023-03-31
【配分額】2,100千円 (直接経費: 2,100千円)