Research on Learning Graphs via Enumerative Queries and its Applications
graph learning / planning / networks / optimization / robotics / succinct representation / succint representation
The foundations for learning and optimization of graphs via enumerative queries and a their application benchmarks in computer-aided design and robotics were proposed: (1) the sampling and learning mechanism for obstacle-avoiding lattice paths the enumerative encoding and gradient-free heuristics, (2) the learning of adaptive locomotion gaits for six-legged robots under conditions of leg failure by using the enumerative queries, (3) the compact representation of convolution graphs by broadcast networks and its application to sound classification, (4) the representation of curvature in the folding of planar membranes, allowing the representation of folding structures by compact planar graphs, (5) the development of multi-modal path planning, allowing the efficient computation of collision-free paths for multi-agent systems in lattice paths, (6) the sampling of graph-based cable-driven robotic structures, enabling the design of cable-driven mechanical structures by enumerative sampling of the graph search space, (7) the study of fairness functionals for smooth path planning in mobile robots, allowing the efficient evaluation of smoothness over a network of multiple robotics trajectories, and the (8) applications of graph-based sampling and modeling of robotic structures, having the potential for enumerative and efficient queries of robotic topologies.
【研究期間】2020-04-01 - 2023-03-31
【配分額】4,420千円 (直接経費: 3,400千円、間接経費: 1,020千円)