Battery / Cathode / High-Voltage / Capacity / Polyanion / Insertion host
The research in 2021 fy focussed on exploring high voltage electro-active materials with increased operating voltages and capacities. One direction of research dwelled on study of mixed polyanionic system (VO)2SO4PO4 for their lithium insertion performances. We expected the incorporation of oxy, sulphate and phosphate anions to render stable framework for alkali ion (Li/Na) insertion with a superior cycling performance. Indeed, we could achieve decent electrochemical performance. However, the structural solutions of the proposed system revealed it to be mixture of phases and could not account for its electrochemical performance, thus making the research ambiguous at this point. Another direction focussed on phase transformations in Na-Fe-S-O quaternary sulphate systems. Here we studied intimate relationship between various Na-Fe-S-O and their hydrated phase with reaction temperature. Also, we studied extensively a metastable phase Na2Fe2(SO4)2 system for its stability, sensitivity, and decent electrochemical activities. This proposed work is near completion, and I am complying all these results for journal publication.
【研究期間】2020-04-24 - 2022-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)