spin / Hall / effect / antiferromagnetism / spintronics / topology
The manipulation of pure spin current has been extensively studied in polycrystalline or single crystalline heavy metals, ferromagnetic metals and their alloys. Recently, strong interests have been focused on antiferromagnets especially the Mn3X alloys. In our work, by using thermal spin injection, we have demonstrated large spin Hall effect in Mn-Sn alloy thin films even in its amorphous phase. Comparing with pure Mn, the Sn doped alloy has a spin Hall angle 20 times larger and resistivity 10 times smaller, and thus the energy consumption is reduced by 4000 times. These results offer a strategy towards future energy efficient spin Hall materials with high spin Hall angle but low resistivity. The summary of this work has been accepted by Physical Review Materials and is among the editor’s suggestions.
【研究期間】2018-04-25 - 2019-03-31
【配分額】1,100千円 (直接経費: 1,100千円)