Strongly correlation / Non-Fermi-liquids / Quantum criticality / Multipolar Kondo effect / Superconductivity / Strongly correlated / electrons
Over the past two years, we comprehensively characterized the field-induced quantum criticality of the multipolar Kondo system PrV2Al20 using electrical transport and thermodynamic probes. We succeeded in detecting universal scaling in magnetoresistance, Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, and a drastic rise in the Hall coefficient on approaching the quantum critical regime. We further performed low-temperature and high-field specific heat and magnetization measurements, which yielded high-precision thermodynamic information on the non-Fermi liquid phase intrinsic to the multipolar Kondo effect. This study leads to profound insights into the non-Fermi-liquid behavior generated by the multipolar Kondo effect and the changes in Fermi surface properties near the multipolar quantum critical point.
【研究期間】2020-04-24 - 2022-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)