Water Resources / Climate Change / Water Management / Water Security / Water Supply / Sabah
The research milestones have generally been met and completed during FY2021 (April 2021-September 2021).Secondary data sets for water yield and water supply,water quality, meteorological variables measurement,questionnaires/interviews, and data collections from organizations/government bodies have been collected for the research that were mostly performed virtually/online. The preliminary stage of assessing the acquired data sets and image processing has been completed utilizing statistical analysis such as correlation analysis and structural equation modeling. The study's primary goal was met, which was to model changes in rainfall pattern and surface air temperature caused by climate change impact and land cover/use in relation to the influence on water resources and availability. For research findings/results reporting, many publications in peer-reviewed journals were accomplished and presented at the international conference. Apart from that, seminar/workshop/training were attended using virtual/online mode such as WEAP Webinar, QUAL2KW water quality modeling and simulation, AMOS/SEM Equation Modeling, advanced training/workshop for remote sensing and GiS, for better advancement of the research field
【研究期間】2019-11-08 - 2022-03-31
【配分額】2,200千円 (直接経費: 2,200千円)