Institutional structure / environmental governance / the 2030 Agenda / green economic policies / Indonesia / SDGs / 制度的構造 / 地域環境のガバナンス / 制度構築 / ローカルな環境ガバナンス / ポスト2015開発アジェンダ / グリーン政策 / インドネシア / 持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)
During FY2016, regulatory analysis of environmental policies was conducted to examine the coherence between regulations issued by different agencies at the national,provincial and local levels. Vertical and horizontal legal analysis specifically looked into whether there are contradictory factors between legal documents. A separate analysis examined whether local governments adopts regulations from higher levels and translated it into local regulations or whether new regulations are set independently based on local circumstances.
From the analysis this research found that governance models and policy initiatives do not transfer as fast as what the government envisioned. In Indonesia, policy mobility is the lowest in term of coherence. The current ministerial policymaking process is constantly formulated with explicit references to the global context, yet it does not necessarily embed in the fabric of each ministerial strategy. National strategies have not yet translated into planning practice and programme at the provincial and local level. Despite wide policy variations, general pattern of lack of operational practices was observed. Further, there is no motion to align provincial and local investments and planning with the national green growth policies. Regarding institutional structure, our findings suggested that there was no strong policy and political movement from the government to align provincial and local institutional framework to fully reflect the integrated governance approaches.
【研究期間】2014-04-25 - 2017-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)