Energy / Partnership / Governance / National Development / Planning / Goal-setting / SDGs / Low-Carbon / Sustainable / Transformation / 2030 Agenda
Ahead of the World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi (Feb 8-13 2020), the fellow published one Policy Brief that addresses the opportunities and constraints regarding the localization of the SDGs in the Arab World. This policy brief considers the progress of 2030 Agenda localization across cities in the Arab world, looking at implementation and non-state actors' role while considering regional and national networks of governance. It provided recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders to coherently address complex and interconnected challenges in cities and develop an enabling environment for engaging actors at all levels.
Given the difficulty to conduct fieldwork due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, the fellow started a desk review research, with a colleague, to examine the national development planning after the SDGs and its Implications of global goals-setting towards national policymaking processes. After presenting a paper in the first SDG Research Symposium in Utrecht (virtually) (June 11-13 2020), the article was submitted to the Journal of World Development (still under review). This paper seeks to understand how the nationalization of the SDGs exercises affects national development planning.
Finally, the fellow worked on a peer-reviewed book chapter from his doctoral research, where he examined the impact of energy infrastructure, nuclear power plants, and sustainable development challenges at the local level in Japan. The fellow’s contribution will be published in a book by Routledge on the socio-politics of local places in Japan in the summer of 2021.
【研究期間】2018-10-12 - 2021-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)