数値解析 / MPS/FEMカップリング手法 / 境界モデル / ハイドロプレーニング現象
In this research, a 2D flexible ghost cell boundary (GCB) model was firstly proposed for the MPS method, where the appeal of the novel model lies in providing an easy and natural treatment for the wall boundary of complicated shapes. On one hand, the wall boundary can be easily represented by using ghost cells of different sizes or shapes, and ghost cells are constructed in the pre-processing phase. On the other hand, the particle-cell interaction can be modeled by an integral version of the MPS model that requires the specific area of each cell, while the particle-particle interaction near wall boundary is still handled by the conventional version of the MPS model via assuming that each particle takes the same area. In order to calculate the particle-cell interaction, the Gauss integration method is applied for convenience. The related results have been published as a journal paper on Computational Mechanics. Secondly, an explicit MPS-FEM coupling algorithm was proposed. The developed coupling algorithm bears the following features: (1) this algorithm provides an easy and efficient way to construct ghost cells; (2) there is no matching requirement between cell size and particle spacing. Corresponding research results have been published as a journal paper on Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements.
In addition to the above journal papers, we have attended six international conferences and presented our research results with other researchers, including the ICCES20119, the ICCM2019, the USNCCM2019, the APCOM2019, the COMPSAFE2020 and the WCCM ECCOMAS2020.
【研究期間】2018-11-09 - 2021-03-31
【配分額】2,200千円 (直接経費: 2,200千円)